Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Letting Go

...but Violet stopped him. "It's too heavy," she said. "We can't stop it."

"We can't let it fall off the peak!" Klaus cried.

"We'd be dragged down, too," Violet said.

Klaus knew his sister was right, but still he wanted to grab the drag chute Violet had constructed. It is difficult when faced with a situation you cannot control, to admit that you can do nothing, and it was difficult for the Baudelaires to stand and watch the caravan roll over the edge of the peak.

- Lemony Snicket's "The Slippery Slope"

How difficult it is to LET GO! And yet, so many times in life we simply must let go - of possessions, relationships, cherished plans... and even cherished people - or we will be swept over the edge.

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